Fixed Enrichment Pen Catalog #47939

Modular Fixed Pens that allow Horizontal Pairing between Pens.
Provides upper area in Pen for enrichment and perching.
Overall approx. size of Pen is ~87” Wide x 48” Deep x 111” Tall (7.25' x 4' x 9.25'). Two pens together as shown at right will be approximately 14.5' Wide x 4' Deep x 9.25' Tall.
Each Pen has approx. 29 sq. ft. of floor area.
All metal components are #304 Stainless Steel.
Polished Latches provided. (Latches not to be bead blasted with Unit)
Man Door provided, hinged and has heavy duty latching mechanism.
Horizontal Animal Doors provided for an upper and lower cage area.
The primary frame members are fabricated of 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” SS Box Tube.
Cage Walls are 16 Ga. SS sheet, with hemmed edges to eliminate sharp corners.
Wire mesh panels provided. Man Door has 2” x 6” and 2” x 8” wire configurations.
Heavy Duty Waterlines are hinged for easy maintenance and drain to front of Unit.
Back Wall to have solid panel with the Waterline attachments.
A Top and Bottom Cage area with Double Handled Squeeze Back provided.
Cage areas will have removable dividers that provide single housing or when removed allows full access to the inside of the Pen for Socialization.
Squeeze Backs and Double Handle Pull, glide on Bearing Blocks for smooth operation.
Horizontal Socialization Dividers included on each Pen, 2 on each side.
Grooming Contact and Solid Divider Panels provided.
Some Dividers will be made of Thermal Neutral Material.
Sides of Pens will have half fixed solid panel and half removable divider for pairing.
Side Grooming Contact Dividers will be 2” x 2” SS Wire Panels.
Center of Pen will have a similar wall as the sides of Pen for separating animals in the caged areas provided with squeeze backs.

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