Play Cage with Climbing Pole

Catalog #45369
Constructed of 304 Stainless Steel.
Approx. Dimensions are 48” long x 32” deep x 82-1/2” tall.
Unit provides ~9-1/2 square feet of floor space. Can be custom sized.
Supported by (4) 5” SS Casters, Locking and Non-Locking options.
(Includes blue polyurethane wheels and a zerk fitting for lubrication)
Frame of Play Cage is 1-1/2” x 1-1/2” x 1/8” SS Formed Angle.
Wire Panel Walls are .162” dia. x 1” x 3” Slot openings, all Stainless.
Floor and Ceiling Panels are .162” dia. x 1” x 1” openings, all stainless.
(1) Personnel Door is provided at front of Play Cage, Lockable.
(1) Horizontal Sliding Door will be provided at two elevations to pair up with existing equipment, customer to provide dimensions, door latches included.
Transfer Box Rods included under cage door.
Various Perches included, strategically located for easy animal usage.
Waste Pans included made from 16ga. SS, latched in place.
Heavy Duty Water Line included made from ½” SS Schedule 40 Pipe, includes Edstrom fittings: Quick disconnect, Drain and (2) Drinking Valves.
Horizontal Pairing dividers provided and will pair with existing C2SI Socialization Racks already in service.
Bead Blasted to a Matte Finish.
Climbing Pole with hardware included, spins on UHMW Plastic Bearing Blocks, is removable, Bead Blasted to a Matte Finish.