Restraint Cage
Catalog #47658
All Aluminum and Stainless Steel construction.
To be used and designed as a Tunnel, Restraint and Nest Box.
Approx. size of Units is 24” wide x 36” lg. x 24” tall.
One fixed side wall of the unit has 3/8” diameter rods on 5/8” centers.
Fixed Side wall has (3) Removable Rods, One at each Guillotine Door End, and center.
Unit has solid top to contain animal within.
The Restraint Wall has solid panel and moves forward.
Restraint Wall operated by crank handle that turns a SS Acme “Speedy” Screw shaft.
Restraint Wall is guided and glides on bearing system for easy operation.
Restraint Wall to move towards rod wall when activated.
Crank Handle made to be removed, bolted in place.
Crank Handle end to be recessed as best as it can.
(2) Lockable Solid Guillotine Style Doors at both ends with additional 2” x 2” Mesh Door.
Guillotine Doors secured with latches.
Solid Floor provided.