Custom Wire, Panels, Etc.

Catalog #46915 - Chimp area
SS 3/8" Diameter Woven/Crimped Wire Panels and Welded Wire of same size
SS Wire Panels are in a 2" x 2" Configuration
Ladders allow Zoo staff access to sides and top of enclosures.
Customization available to accomodate specific needs.
The wire and ladder to the left were completed for the chimp area at a local zoo.
Catalog #50760 - Elephant area
SS 3/8” Diameter Woven/Crimped Wire Panels AND Welded Wire of same size.
SS Wire Panels are in a 2” x 2” Configuration.
3/8” Dia. SS Perimeter Rod provided to close off raw ends of the wire panel.
(2) Wire Mesh Panels ~18” Wide x 48” Long.
C2SI to deliver and installation of SS Panels to the Oregon Zoo.
C2SI and Oregon Zoo staff will coordinate installation of the new panels.
C2SI to cut windows into existing galvanized panel for new Wire Panels.
Includes Installation at Zoo location.
The wire panel to the right was completed for an elephant enclosure area at a local zoo.

Catalog #50632 - Tiger area
The wire panel to the left was added to the tiger area at a local zoo. The original bar design allowed the tigers to reach through and grab at the zookeepers when they would enter. Our new panel design/installation eliminates that scenario.
All Stainless-Steel Construction.
All wire Panels are made with ¼” Diameter SS Rod.
Customized to fit existing openings
Delivery and Installation Included.