Medium Polar Bear Transport

Catalog # 42265
This heavy duty polar bear transport crate is constructed with all aluminum components. Designed with a box tube frame to reinforce floor, ceiling, and walls this crate can safely and securely house an adult polar bear or other large animals. With skis running the length of the crate and forklift pockets present, the transport crate is ideal for retrieving polar bears from the wild or transporting them domestically. Also, heavy duty Clevis hooks are provided on the top of the crate and each end for lifting and towing respectively. Bottom half of crate walls are solid while the top half consist of stainless steel welded wire panels providing visibility to the crate interior. Fixed ladders on both sides of the crate provide access to the roof, where guillotine doors at both ends can be operated; latches are present to secure the doors in the open or closed position. Diamond tread decking is present on the roof for added traction. Interior floor is also made of diamond tread with perforations allowing liquids to drain through the floor into removable waste pans below.
Overall dimensions: 60” wide x 94” long x 76” tall
Interior dimensions: 51-5/8” wide x 90” long x 60-1/8” tall
Approximate weight is 1400 pounds
Size is custom, can be designed to suit any needs
Heavy duty water bowl can be filled from outside the crate